Monday, May 21, 2007

Fantasy and Sci-Fi To Dominate New Fall Lineups

Click here to read the article from New York Times.

Many networks are turning to non-reality programming this season as the fall lineup features more sci-fi and fantasy shows than ever before. It can be seen as a desperate attempt to garner ratings or it's everyone riding off the success NBC had with Heroes this past year. NBC which will feature a few more programs that fall into the "fantasy" category obviously saw the connection they made with viewers and are going to ride that opportunity. It now appears that CW and FOX will be looking to steal those viewers for their sci-fi programs as well.

I feel we reached a point of too many cop dramas the past two years and those have killed themselves off. I have a feeling that the sci-fi programs won't make it as long as the cop dramas but I've been wrong in the past. Post your comments below or send me feedback by clicking here.

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