Sunday, May 27, 2007

Axe Reaches A New Low And Creates The Worst Commercial Series Ever

Axe Body Spray for men is towing the line between edgy and humorous with their commercial, targeting the Male between the ages of 16-24. Their new line, Lynx, is the target for these spots. I happen to find their new series of commercials absolutely torturing to watch and somewhat embarassing.

There's no doubt about it, marketers and agencies have a hard job of coming up with commercial spots that stand out and sell product. By my typical standards I would say these spots worked because I'm not only blogging about them but I can recall each of the spots. But marketers also have to walk a fine line between creating a positive memorable spot and a negative memorable spot. Many times you as a viewer might be offended but the person in the house next door might find it hilarious.

Will these advertisements work on you? Will it make you go out and buy more Lynx Body Spray? Click here to see the supermarket spot. Click here to see the dentist spot. Click here to see the in-laws spot. Click here to see the European spot. (Not shown in U.S.)
Post your feedback or send me your comments here.

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