Monday, May 28, 2007

Carl's Jr. Angry With Jack-In-The-Box Advertising

The Los Angeles Times is reporting today that Carl's Jr. is not happy with Jack in the Box's new advertising campaign that rips "Angus Beef." Carl's Jr. of course advertises their burgers as 100% Angus Beef and being the edgy above the curve advertiser that Jack is, they have decided to attack this angle.

Click here to see one of the spots.

I happen to find the spots extremely successful for brand recall and they are extremely funny as well. I've always been impressed with any of the Jack in the Box spots and this campaign is not only funny, but also timely as well. Several other restaurants are advertising their 100% Angus Beef burgers and Jack has capitalized on a timely and relevant name.

It also doesn't hurt the fact that Carl's Jr. is making a wave about the spots; all press is good press.

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