Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Study Claims Traditional TV Ads Less Effective

A new study by the Association of National Advertisers and Forrester Research is claiming that traditional television advertising has become less effective over the past two years. The results of the study will be presented tomorrow, February 28th at ANA's TV & Everything Video Forum in New York.

This is the same thing we've been hearing for the past two years now. Television is dying. The thirty-second commercial is done. Nobody watches television anymore.

This just isn't true. While I'm not naive enough to believe that television has lost some luster over the past years, I will not admit that television is dead. It is still the one medium where we can always rely on our news and information. The internet is of course taking over that space but stop and think to yourself, "what is the first thing I do every night when I get home?" You turn the television on. "What is the first thing I do every morning when I'm getting ready for work?" You turn the television on.

The media landscape is changing. The way we consume our media is changing daily. So don't be fooled by these reports that television is dead. Television is very much alive and will be for another 100 years. We just need to continue to find innovative ways to present this media.

Click here to read the full article at

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