Monday, April 16, 2007

Spongebob No-Pants Creates Controversy

As usual someone has to create controversy from a good advertisement that actually makes us laugh. Here is the link to the ad on YouTube:

According to, Rev. Donald E. Wildmon is trying to figure out why Burger King would be utilizing an advertisement with adult nudity to appeal to children. However, Rev. Wildmon has obviously missed the point. It is a humurous commercial to reach parents and get them to act upon the Spongebob promotion currently at BK.

The article can be seen here at:

Will the commercial increase sales for Spongebob? I don't think it's going to be a huge success because it really does miss the target audience. But come on, you have to hand it to Crispin Porter & Bogusky for trying to remain original in a time where agencies are under extreme scrutiny for boring content.

I like the ad. Tell the Reverend to find another topic to gain press from.

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