Thursday, April 12, 2007

Imus fired from CBS Radio

No surprise here. For those of you who haven't read or heard yet, here is the link to the article:

How are they going to make up the $20 million in revenue each year? Although they lost the major sponsors, you have to think that there were going to be some secondary sponsors who would have come to the table. From an advertising standpoint, if the show would have continued then I think they would have had to of raised their rates. I've never listened to Imus in the Morning but I definitely am curious as to what his show sounds like.

Why is it that we are so attracted to controversy? Was this a case of a publicity stunt that was taken too far? I personally don't think so, although when the story hit the air waves, many people thought it was. If you listen closely then you can hear his producer in the background saying the words that got him in trouble. It's thought that maybe it was a "liner" and was all set up. I don't believe it was set up. It's hard for me to think that a guy who's spent his whole life in radio and dealing with the FCC would have known better than to plan for something like this.

Will Imus win in the end? Many predict that he will end up with some sort of Sirius or XM deal worth much more than he was making. I'm afraid that this will only make him look worse in the end if we see him plastered all over billboards promoting his new Satellite show. It won't make me run out and buy a subscription, although neither did Howard Stern's move to Satellite, and they gave him a $500 million deal to start.

I typically don't have a whole lot of thoughts on these situations when a celebrity or a television/radio personality says something offensive. I do belive that Imus was completely in the wrong and I've actually now reached the point where I'm glad CBS didn't just let it go. For too many years personalities on the radio or tv have gotten away with saying things they later apologize for. Look, if you slip up and say something you shouldn't have said, then apologize right there and let it be known it was a slip. The only time these people apologize is the next day once the story has swept the country. Then they go on a big media tour where they apologize on every show they turn up on and then all of a sudden we look past what they said. For some reason I think it would have hurt Imus's reputation as a shock jock if he would have done a media tour apologizing on every station he showed on.

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