Thursday, August 23, 2007

Julie Roehm's Lawsuit Dismissed By Michigan Judge; Unclear If Lawsuit Will Continue

A Michigan judge dismissed Julie Roehm's law suit this week and it is inclear whether the case will continue. The judge ruled that the case should be tried in an Arkansas court, closer to where the case took place. Of course for those of you who are a little behind in this story, I urge you to get ahead and Google Julie Roehm's name. The short story of it is, she was hired as the CMO, then fired shortly after for acting inappropriately according to Wal-Mart standards. Inappropriately means getting a little too close to vendors, and one of those just happened to be Howard Draft(Draft FCB); something about an Aston-Martin can do that to anyone. Does that make you want to read the full story?

Anyways, click here to read about Julie Roehm's latest drama.

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