Monday, July 2, 2007

Simpsons Movie Takes Out-of-Home Marketing To A Whole New Level

The Simpsons movie will be well anticipated this summer when it releases on July 27th, but the marketing team behind the Simpsons is doing an extroidinary job of promoting this film. Advertising Age is reporting today that 7-11 stores will re-design and essentially re-brand themselves for a few weeks to promote the movie. What will they brand themselves as? Kwik-E-Mart's of course. The picture seen at the left is a mock design.

I have one word for this idea; brilliant. Why nobody has taken advantage of this idea in the past is beyond me? All parties win in this situation. 7-11 is receiving, and going to receive weeks of publicity. The Simpsons movie, which already is well anticipated, is going to position themselves even better for an opening weekend. And marketers all around can now scramble to come up with ideas to top this one.

The only thing these stores will be missing is Apu, the lovable owner of Kwik-E-Mart's. Click here to read the article.


Anonymous said...

We want APU!!! maybe doctor Suresh from Heroes could play a real Apu!! LOL!!

And talking about ads, take a look at this Odd commercials, lost an arm? they got one for you!!!

Scott said...

Thanks for the site rolim! A great resource for new advertisements of the day.