Wednesday, April 16, 2008

A la Carte Cable Causes A Stir

A la carte cable channels is a topic that has been discussed a few times over the past two years. The concept is simple, you pay for what you want. Instead of having a $75+ cable bill each month for channels that you don't use, you will pay a monthly subscription fee for those that you do watch.

You can see why this is troubling to the cable networks. Cable ratings are already low to begin with and in many markets the cable penetration is only 65-75% with satellite tv taking some market share. So if we begin to remove subscribers from specific cable networks then the ratings will dip lower and begin to erode advertising dollars instantly.

I have to say from a consumer standpoint this is a brilliant idea. I would probably buy abou 15-20 channels including ESPN, FOOD Network, FSN, TBS, MTV, etc. etc. You now know my viewing habits. However from someone who works in the media industry I see why this is only hurting, not helping the networks.

While I completely agree with the FCC trying to help consumers, it is my opinion they should be trying to help their own industry. So why create a program that is going to erode ratings and remove dollars from your own wishing well. It doesn't make sense for me and I would actually be against it.

My consumer hat says bring on the choices!

Here is the article at TV Week.

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